Advantages for cities

Innovative networking for efficiency and climate protection.'

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UZE Ads and T-Systems and have successfully tested a new ISO standard for street- and time-based measurement of CO2 emissions from traffic in Hamburg.

Traffic causes about a quarter of all CO2 emissions worldwide. Until now, there was no globally standardized, street-level measurement method of CO2 emissions from traffic in real time. Now, traffic managers in cities can precisely identify causes of CO2 emissions and thus take efficient traffic-related measures to reduce exhaust gases.

The field test took place as part of various Hamburg projects for "I.T.S - Intelligent Transport Systems". Here, innovative technologies are being tested that are intended to make mobility more environmentally friendly, more efficient, safer and more comfortable. More at:

UZE's digital roof advertising systems were used for the test. These contain sensors that record the GPS data of the vehicles, among other things. UZE uses the fully anonymized GPS information for geographically accurate advertising, which can be played out according to specified times, area or weather conditions.

The GPS data volumes collected from traffic were sent from UZE's data marketplace via 5G mobile communications to T-Systems' "Low Carbon Mobility Management" calculation server (LCMM for short) via an interface. The LCMM server's artificial intelligence then recognizes where and when there is how much traffic, where traffic is gridlocked, or where there is stop-and-go traffic. In this way, the AI can calculate the fuel consumption and thus the CO2 emissions of the traffic geographically precisely in real time and map emission patterns.

Clean air thanks to UZE!

Using these exact emission patterns, the traffic management of cities can identify causes of bad air caused by traffic with geographic and time precision in order to derive traffic measures or justify their costs. In this way, fuel and CO2 emissions from road traffic can be significantly reduced.

The process is transferable to all cities worldwide.

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